Understanding of Pranavaha Sroto Moola in the purview of modern physiology

  • Pol Rajashree Arun Associate Professor, Department of Shareera Kriya, Government Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.
  • Vinushree M.K.S. Final Year PG Scholar, Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Government Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.
  • Venkatakrishna K.V. Professor and Head, Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Government Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Pranavaha Srotas, Srotomoola, Srotas, Ayurveda, Hridaya, Mahasrotas, Respiration


Introduction: Pranavaha Srotas are the first Srotas to be enlisted in Charaka Samhita. These channels carry Prana all over the body to all bodily tissues. Pranavaha Srotas has its Moola in Hridaya and Mahasrotas according to Charaka Samhita while Sushuruta Samhita states that Hridaya and Rasavahini Dhamanis as Moola. Moola of Pranavaha Srotas not only denotes the anatomical aspects but also represents the functional entities. Methods: A comprehensive literature review was done on Pranavaha Srotas in Ayurveda and the physiology of respiration according to contemporary science through searching classical texts, textbooks, and online articles from peer-reviewed journals to narrate the Anatomical, Functional/physiological aspects, and Therapeutic aspects of Pranavaha Sroto Moola. Results: Pranavaha Srotas can be considered as a functional unit that consists of the heart, brain, and alimentary canal. Respiratory physiology is directly linked to the circulatory, gastro gastrointestinal systems for the exchange of gases, absorption, transportation, excretion, monitoring, and control of all activities. Conclusion: Pranavaha Srotas is the basic system that works in harmony with all the physiological attributes of the body like circulatory, alimentary, and nervous systems.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.9.4.17
Published: 2024-06-15
How to Cite
Arun, P. R., M.K.S., V., & K.V., V. (2024). Understanding of Pranavaha Sroto Moola in the purview of modern physiology. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 9(4), 110 - 117. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.9.4.17
Review Article