A review on Janusandhigata Vata
Janusandhigata Vata is explained in concise form in our Samhitha. The symptoms includes Vatapoorna-Dritisparsha, Sandhi Shotha, Prasarana Acuchanayo Vedana, Atopa, Sandhi Hanti. Various treatment modalities have been employed such as Bahya and Abhyantara Snehana, Basti Prayoga, Upanaha, Agnikarma, Bandhana, Unmardana. Aetiology and symptomology of Sandhigata Vata mentioned in Samhitha, mimics with the symptoms of osteoarthritis of contemporary science. Osteoarthritis is defined as a non-inflammatory degenerative joint disease marked by degeneration of articular cartilage, accompanied by pain and stiffness of joints. When left untreated this disease makes the person crippled and dependent on others for attending normal daily activities.
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