Management of Avabahuka with Prasarni Taila Nasya and Sthanik Patra Pinda Swedana - A Case Study
Avabahuka is a disease that causes problem in daily routine of an individual like wearing clothes, eating, personal hygiene and work etc. Shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body. Clinical presentation and pathogenesis of Avabahuka can be correlated with the symptoms of adhesive capsulitis, which is commonly known as Frozen Shoulder. Panchakarma is the branch of Ayurveda which deal with the purification of the Vitiated Doshas of the body through Shodhana therapy. Nasya is mainly indicated for Avabahuka. Swedana also helps in managing the condition, Avabahuka. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Nasya Karma and Sthanik Patra Potali Swedana in the management of Avabahuka. A 62 years old male patient came to Panchakarma OPD with an accidental history 3 months ago due to which he suffered with acute pain, swelling and stiffness in right shoulder joint. Patient was unable to move right shoulder joint and to carry out daily activities. Patient took 7 days Panchakarma therapy in which Mukhabhyanga with Prasarni Taila and Mridu Swedana was done. It was followed by Prasarni Taila Nasya. After 7 days of treatment marked relief was seen in the symptoms like pain, stiffness and swelling. The therapies were found significantly effective and clinically safe with no adverse reaction were reported during the treatment period.
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