Effect of Sesame Seeds (Krishna Tila) In the Management of Menopausal Arthritis – Case Report

  • Belsare M.B. Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Swastvritta and Yog, Government Ayurved College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
  • Belsare M.B. Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Swastvritta and Yog, Government Ayurved College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
  • Vidya Thatere (Wasnik) Guide and Associate Professor, Department of Swastvritta and Yog, Government Ayurved College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
  • Jain S.S. Professor and HOD, Department of Swastvritta and Yog, Government Ayurved College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Keywords: Krishna Tila, Sesame indicum, Menopausal Arthritis


Introduction: Menopausal arthritis is osteoarthritis (OA) that causes joint pain and inflammation early in menopause. Within five years of natural menopause or a hysterectomy, 64% of females with knee osteoarthritis experienced symptoms. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Corticosteroids and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) have higher risk of serious side effects and health risks. So non-pharmacological management and dietary supplements gaining interest among patients with Arthritis. Sesamin, a sesame lignan found in sesame seeds was recently reported to be converted by intestinal microflora to enterolactone, a compound with estrogenic activity. Aim & Objectives: This study aimed to study the efficacy of Sesame Seed powder with local treatment in the management of Menopausal Arthritis. Methodology: A female patient of 53year old was came to OPD with complaining of pain, stiffness and swelling in right knee joint, difficulty while walking since 5-6 month. There was a significant joint space reduction in X‑ray of right knee joint. She was advised Krishna Tila (Seasame Seed) powder internally and locally Snehan (with Tila Taila), Swedan and Agnikarma settings was done. Results and Discussion: After 1month, significant reduction was observed in all sign and symptoms of the patient. Also Reduction was seen in VAS score and Increase in Range of motion of Rt. Knee joint was seen. Krishna Tila is an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese. It also contains sesamin and sesamolin. Conclusion: Patient got satisfactory relief in clinical features after 1 month. Sesame seed (Krishna Tila) along with Snehan-Swedan and Agnikarma can give worthy relief in Menopausal Arthritis.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.9.7.50
Published: 2024-09-29
How to Cite
Belsare M.B., Belsare M.B., Vidya Thatere (Wasnik), & Jain S.S. (2024). Effect of Sesame Seeds (Krishna Tila) In the Management of Menopausal Arthritis – Case Report. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 9(7), 318 - 321. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.9.7.50
Case Report