Role of Ayurvedic medicines with Panchakarma therapy in SLE w.s.r. to Aamvata

  • Veenu Yadav Post Graduate Scholar, P.G. Department of Kayachikitsa, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Government Ayurveda College and Hospital, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
  • Shraddha Sharma Assitant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Government Ayurveda College and Hospital, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
  • Rajesh Meshram HOD and Associate Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Government Ayurveda College and Hospital, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Keywords: Systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE, Pitta, Autoimmune, Panchakarma therapy, Aamvata


Background: Autoimmune disorders occur when the body’s immune system is working hard to defend against potentially precarious substances our bodies such as allergens, toxins, infection or food but does not identify the difference between the invaders and own body cells. SLE is an autoimmune disease in which organs, tissues and cells undergo damage, mediated by tissues binding auto antibodies and immune complexes. SLE affects heart, joints, skin, lungs, blood vessels, liver, kidney and nervous system. Due to Piita Pradhantwa in SLE it can be correlated with Pitta Anubandhi Amavata as both are systemic autoimmune disease having involvement of mainly Pitta Dosha. Materials and Methods: A male patient with complaints of pain in multiple joints with swelling, recurrent mouth ulcers, weakness all over the body and erythematous rashes on both hands with some discharge came to OPD of PTKLS Hospital and diagnosed as Amavata and admitted in IPD of the Hospital and treated according to Ayurveda Protocol including oral medications and Panchakarma therapy. Result: Patient got symptomatic relief. Details of this will be discussed in full paper. Discussion: In Ayurveda, symptoms of Vata Kapha Anubandhi Amavata can be correlated with RA and symptoms of Pitta Anubandhi Amavata can be correlated with SLE as there is involvement of Pitta Dosha and Rakta Dhatu in SLE.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.9.3.36
Published: 2024-05-07
How to Cite
Veenu Yadav, Shraddha Sharma, & Rajesh Meshram. (2024). Role of Ayurvedic medicines with Panchakarma therapy in SLE w.s.r. to Aamvata. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 9(3), 227 - 230.
Case Report