A review on efficacy of Kayaseka in Pakshaghata
Man has always feared two things death and disease. Stroke is a disease which appears suddenly with strong pathophysiology. It is responsible for more dependency than any other disease since it hampers the functional ability of person sometimes it may even lead to death. As birds need both wings to maintain posture, co-ordination of movements, execution of different movements similarly humans need both halves. If a bird loses its one wing it is unable to fly and even live due to depraved morbidity. In the same way when person suffers from stroke he is a like bird with clipped wings. Pakshaghata is a Vatavyadhi. Acharyas have established it under Astamahagada. In all types of Vatavyadhi, Snehana and Swedana are mentioned as a line of treatment. Acharya Charaka advocates the use of Ushnaveerya Parisheka in the mitigation of Vata Dosha. Induction of Swedana by unique procedure of pouring liquid by warm medicated oil on body is known as Parisheka Sweda. When it is performed on whole body along with the Abhyanga, is known as Kayaseka.
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