Management of Dushtavrana (Non-Healing Ulcer) through Ayurveda - A Case Report
Shalyatantra is one among the Astang Ayurveda, the branch of Shalyatantra refers to surgical and parasurgical procedures in Ayurveda. Dusthavrana (non healing ulcer) are a frequently encountered problem in present era produced commonly as a complication of trauma or pathologic insult and it causes long term agony to the patient. The issue of non-healing ulcers management with Ayurvedic remedy is one of the major areas of the research and has come under increased study. This is a case report of 40-year-old female, who had an episode of Dushtavrana (non healing ulcer) and presented to the outpatient department with complaints of severe pain, itching and ulcer over right ankle region. The first line of management for Dushtavrana is Shodhana. Kalka is the specific treatment for Dusthavrana which is mentioned under Shodhana and Ropana Kriya of Saptopakrama. Yavadi Kalka is one of the formulations mentioned in Dwivraniya Chikitsa Adhyaya. Yavadi Kalka is simple, very cost-effective procedure. In the present case, Yavadi Kalka after Jaloukavacharana has shown assuring results in the management of Dushtavrana.
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