Study the effect of Darun Lepa in Darunaka
Darunaka is a Kapha Vataja (due to Kapha and Vata) condition featured with itching, dryness, and scaling of skin over the scalp with an itching sensation is considered a cardinal feature. It has become the most common cause of hair fall. Dandruff is a common scalp disorder, the cause may vary among individuals like fungal, bacterial, dry scalp, oil or irritated skin. In this study a cost effective and simple topical application of Lepa using Haritaki Churna, Amra Beeja Churna and Godugdha as a combination has been evaluated in Darunaka.
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API - Textbook of Medicine – Yash Pal Munjal; vol-1, edition -9-2012, published by- The Association of Physicians of India; Topic – 4 – Eczemas, 481.
Acharya Sharangadhara, Särangadhara Samhita – Prof. K.R. Srikanta murthy, Uttarkhanda, Vol-Ⅲ, Edition-1997, Varanasi Chaukhambha Orientalia, Lepa murda taila karna purana vidhi; Chapter-11, Page. No-237, Shloka -19.
Acharya Sharangadhara, Särangadhara Samhita – Prof. K.R. Srikanta murthy, Uttarkhanda, Vol-Ⅲ, Edition-1997, Varanasi Chaukhambha Orientalia, Lepamurdataila karnapurana vidhi; Chapter-11, Page. No-237, Shloka -19.
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