Hypertension in light of Ayurveda - A Review Article
Hypertension is most prevalent lifestyle disease in the world today, hypertension poses a challenge to the medical community because it is incurable yet manageable with continuous medication. India is known as the hypertension capital of the world. Due to its chronic nature and associated elevated risk of cardiovascular illnesses, hypertension presents an important issue for the public. It can be said that hypertension is a silent killer because many of its patients go undetected for a long time or are only discovered by accident. A better understanding of the applied physiology and etiopathogenesis of hypertension in the light of Ayurvedic principles is being attempted to fill this gap. In the mild and moderate levels, hypertension cannot be classified as a disease in Ayurveda if there are no specific symptoms. It seems to be an early stage of pathogenesis and a risk factor for the onset of conditions affecting the kidneys, eyes, heart, brain, and other organs. Although essential hypertension is not directly mentioned in Ayurvedic scriptures, disease can be explained using Ayurvedic principles. The cause of hypertension is Raktadushti, which also involves the Tridosha, with a strong vata and pittadosha influence. Here, a real attempt is undertaken to determine the Ayurvedic etiopathogenesis of essential hypertension. The present article is an attempt to throw some light on clinical understanding of Essential Hypertension (EHT) in terms of Ayurveda based clinical symptomatology of the patient along with insight on pathology as per Ayurveda.
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Acharya Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, with elaborated Vidyotini Hindi Commentary by Pt. Kashinatha Pandey edited by Dr. Gangasahaye Pandeya, Published by Chaukhambha Bharathi Academy, Varanasi, 2006; 1: 269.
Acharya Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, with elaborated Vidyotini Hindi Commentary by Pt. Kashinatha Pandey edited by Dr. Gangasahaye Pandeya, Published by Chaukhambha Bharathi Academy, Varanasi, 2006; 1: 232. njay.pdf
Maharishi Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, by Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 2007; 1: 35.
Acharya Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, with elaborated Vidyotini Hindi Commentary by Pt. Kashinatha Pandey edited by Dr. Gangasahaye Pandeya, Published by Chaukhambha Bharathi Academy, Varanasi, 2006; 1: 269.
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Acharya Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, with elaborated Vidyotini Hindi Commentary by Pt. Kashinatha Pandey edited by Dr. Gangasahaye Pandeya, Published by Chaukhambha Bharathi Academy, Varanasi, 2006; 1: 302.
SN Chug. Textbook of medicines, Arya publications, 2012; 253.
Acharya Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, with elaborated Vidyotini Hindi Commentary by Pt. Kashinatha Pandey edited by Dr. Gangasahaye Pandeya, Published by Chaukhambha Bharathi Academy, Varanasi, 2006; 1: 302.
SN Chug. Textbook of medicines, Arya publications, reprint, 2012; 254.
Acharya Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, with elaborated Vidyotini Hindi Commentary by Pt. Kashinatha Pandey edited by Dr. Gangasahaye Pandeya, Published by Chaukhambha Bharathi Academy, Varanasi, 2006; 1: 273.
Acharya Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, with elaborated Vidyotini Hindi Commentary by Pt. Kashinatha Pandey edited by Dr. Gangasahaye Pandeya, Published by Chaukhambha Bharathi Academy, Varanasi, 2006; 1: 240.
Maharishi Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, by Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 2007; 60: 1.
Acharya Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, with elaborated Vidyotini Hindi Commentary by Pt. Kashinatha Pandey edited by Dr. Gangasahaye Pandeya, Published by Chaukhambha Bharathi Academy, Varanasi, 2006; 1: 302

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