Amsaphalaka Marma - A Cadaveric Study
There are total of 107 Marma which are vital points where there is a Sannipata of Mamsa, Sira, Snayu, Asthi, Sandhi along with the Prana resides. Among them Amsaphalaka Marma is Prusthagata Asthi Marma, two in number and Vaikalyakara type of Marma, located on Pristhavansa Ubhaya to (both side of vertebral column) and is related to Trika. Trauma to Amsaphalaka Marma results in Baahuswapa and Shosha. Here Marmabhighata Lakshan can act as predictors of the structures involved. In this study, an attempt is made to find out exact location of Amsaphalaka Marma and its relations with other anatomical structures with the help of cadaveric dissection. The study concludes that the location of Amsaphalaka Marma may be considered as just above the superior border of the spine of the scapula on either side of the vertebral column.
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Rogerwick P L W, Editor, 39th edition, grays anatomy, medical division landongroups limited, Great Britain, churchil, livingstone, 1989, 847
Rogerwick P L W, Editor, 39th edition, grays anatomy, medical division landongroups limited, Great Britain, churchil, livingstone, 1989, 849
Rogerwick P L W, Editor, 39th edition, grays anatomy, medical division landongroups limited, Great Britain, churchil, livingstone, 1989, 845
Rogerwick P L W, Editor, 39th edition, grays anatomy, medical division landongroups limited, Great Britain, churchil, livingstone, 1989, 847
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Acharya Y T, 9th Edition, commentary of sri dalhanacharya and commentary nyaya chandrika panjika of sri gayadasacharya, on sushruta samhita of sushruta, shareera sthana, pratyeka marma nidresha shareera, chapter 6, verse 5, Varanasi, cahukambika orientalia, 2007; 371
Acharya Y T, 9th Edition, commentary of sri dalhanacharya and commentary nyaya chandrika panjika of sri gayadasacharya, on sushruta samhita of sushruta, shareera sthana, pratyeka marma nidresha shareera, chapter 6, verse 5, Varanasi, cahukambika orientalia, 2007; 371
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Rogerwick P L W, Editor, 39th Edition, grays anatomy, medical division landongroups limited, Great Britain, churchil, livingstone, 1989, 801

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