Portal Hypertension in Ayurvedic understanding
Introduction: Raktapitta, is a bleeding disorder which is associated with the vitiation of Rakta and Pitta. Excessive indulging in Pittakara Aahara and Vihara will lead to Pitta Prakopa which in turns leads to vitiation of Rakta which will attain similar qualities as that of Pitta. Parallel investigation into modern anatomy and physiology of the hepatic portal system provides an overall understanding of the circulatory dynamics, highlighting the relevance of the portal vein and its tributaries. Materials and Methods: Literature related to Raktapitta and portal system with portocaval anastomoses will be collected from Bhrahatrayee, other classical books, modern anatomy, physiology and clinical textbooks including journals, presented papers and previous work done. Discussion: This study mainly shows the correlation between Ayurvedic principles and modern medical understanding of Raktapitta in relation to the portal hypertension. Conclusion: Integrating the Ayurvedic concept of Raktapitta with modern knowledge of portal hypertension and its complications provide an overall understanding of bleeding disorders.
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