Annadravashoola and Ayurveda: A Case Study

  • Pallavi Survase Second Year Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Shalya Tantra, N K J Ayurvedic Medical College & P.G Centre, Bidar, Karnataka, India.
  • Ashok Naikar Professor & HOD, Dept of Shalya Tantra, N K J Ayurvedic Medical College & P.G Centre, Bidar, Karnataka, India.
  • Vinod B. Assistant Professor, Dept of Shalya Tantra, N K J Ayurvedic Medical College & P.G Centre, Bidar, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Annadrava Shoola, Gastric Ulcer, Yashtimadhu Kwatha, Case Report


Annadrava Shoola is one of the diseases of the alimentary canal in which there is pain occurs after digestion, during digestion & patient feels relief after vomiting. It can be clinically co related with gastric ulcer on the basis of its signs & symptoms. Gastric ulcers are most commonly located at the lesser curvature, whereas duodenal ulcers are more common in duodenal bulb. The ulcer is round to oval with a smooth base. Acute ulcers have regular borders, while chronic ulcers have elevated borders with inflammation. An ulcer extends beyond the muscularis mucosa. Ayurveda encourages lifestyle interventions & natural therapies to regain a balance between body mind &the environment. In this paper a case study of Annadrava Shoola has been explained. A 43 yrs old female patient having complaint of pain in epigastric region after having meals radiating to back since 6 months.  The nature of pain is burning type & exaggerated after having meals, Pain relieved after vomiting. On the basis of history of patient & endoscopy report, she was diagnosed as gastric ulcer (two small antral ulcers). We have done Shamana Chikitsa with a simple formulation of Yashtimadhu Kwatha for 4 months. After the treatment, symptoms relieved. So, there is hope in Ayurveda for treatment of Annadrava Shoola.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.9.4.42
Published: 2024-06-16
How to Cite
Pallavi Survase, Ashok Naikar, & Vinod B. (2024). Annadravashoola and Ayurveda: A Case Study. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 9(4), 267 - 269.
Case Report