A review on Aplap Marma and Apastambha Marma
Ayurveda is a science of mental, physical and spiritual well-being. Marmas is one of the most important concepts of Ayurveda. According to some Acharyas, Marmas are defined as the anatomical places where Mansa, Sira, Snayu, Asthi, Sandhi meet together. Total number of Marma’s is 107. Out of these Aplap and Apastambha Marma are considered as a Madhyasharirgata Marma (Urogata Marma). According to effect both are Kalantar Pranhar Marma and 2 in numbers. In this article an attempt is made to highlight the Anatomy, Position and Importance of Aplap and Apastambha Marma with its Viddha Lakshanas given in the Ayurveda literature.
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