Understanding of Krimigranthi w.s.r. to Blepharitis
Ayurveda deals with Ashtangas (8 branches of ayurveda) and Shalakya tantra is one among them. Acharya Sushruta has explained seventy-six eye diseases with their medical and surgical management in detail. Krimigranthi is one among the nine Sandhigata Roga which can be correlated to blepharitis based on the signs and symptomatology. The signs and symptoms include a swelling in the lid margin, lodging of organism in the junction of the eyelids and eyelashes to produce severe itching in the lids. These organisms can move along the eyelid junction which can penetrate and affect the Shuklamandala. Blepharitis is said to be the most common chronic inflammatory disease of the lid margin which can occur at any age. The disease is usually bilateral and become chronic with recurrence and relapse associated with seborrhea of scalp, trichiasis and ectropion. Krimigranthi is said to be a Kaphaja Vyadhi and the management constitutes Swedana, Bhedana, Pratisarana, Rasakriya Anjana and also Nidanaparivarjana, following Pathya-Apathya. The selection of the appropriate treatment depends on the Yukti of the physician and following the appropriate treatment methodology can be helpful to remove the disease from the root and also it is helpful to reduce the recurrence rate.
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