A Scientific Approach of Dantadhawana with Herbal and Non Herbal Toothpastes - A Literary Review
In Ayurveda, Dantadhawan is an important part of Dinacharya. Our ancient acharyas has mentioned the role of Tikta, Katu, Kashaya Rasa Dravyas in Dantadhawana procedure to maintain the oral cavity. Healthy oral cavity is not only important for structures in oral cavity but also plays an important role in maintaining general health. Due to civilization, Ayurveda twigs with Tikta, Katu, Kashaya Rasa got replaced by chemical based toothpastes. No doubt, these toothpastes have bacteriocidal action, but also having side effects which are harmful for the health. Hence, Current world is shifting towards Ayurvedic principles of Dinacharya (daily regimen) to promote health. Herbal toothpastes containing Tikta, Katu, and Kashaya Rasa Dravyas are much better in Kaphahara property, antibacterial, and anti septic action with no chemical ingredients, hence reduces the risk of side effects. Hence, this paper is the need of hour to focus on the action and side effects of herbal and non herbal toothpastes.
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