A Review on Chandra Avaleha an Ayurvedic Formulation in Anidra (Insomnia)
Avaleha Kalpana is a type of Kashaya Kalpana. It is made by boiling and evaporating herbal medicines or other liquids with sweeteners until the Kashaya reaches the appropriate confirmatory indicators mentioned in the Samhita. Various Avaleha Kalpana have been cited by Acharyas as recommended for various diseases and disorders. Chandra Avaleha is a poly herbal formulation used for the management of various diseases like burning sensation in the hands and feet, dizziness, mania, and insomnia. Its primary constituents include Shatavari Shankhapushpi, Vidarikand, and Kushmand, in equal quantity. Prakshep Dravya (Finely ground medicine powder) is also added. Insomnia (Anidra) is the disorder of inadequate or poor quality and also quantity of sleep either due to difficulty in initiation of sleep (sleep onset insomnia), difficulty in maintaining sleep because of frequently waking up in between (sleep maintenance insomnia) or waking up too early in the morning (sleep offset insomnia). Here an attempt is carried out to explore the action of Chandra Avaleha for insomnia.
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