An Ayurvedic approach for Non-alcoholic fatty liver associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Case report
Background: The term Non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) refers to the accumulation of excessive fat inside the liver cells when excessive alcohol use is not present. The presence of both NAFLD and T2DM increases the likelihood of the development of complications of diabetes (including both macro- and micro- vascular complications) as well as augmenting the risk of more severe NAFLD, including cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and death. Liver illness is also described quite well in Ayurveda. NAFLD may be seen as a Santarpanotha Vikar (illness) bought on by Pittasthan, Raktavahasrotomoola, Kaphmedodusti and Sthanasamsraya in Yakrut (liver). Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of Ayurvedic intervention in NAFLD associate with T2DM. Method and material: In this case report, effect of Ayurveda intervention in grade III fatty liver is reported. Fifty -eight -year-old obese male with grade III fatty liver presented with fatigue, heaviness in abdomen, belching and incomplete bowel evacuation. On examination, there was no significant clinical abnormality except a high body mass index and haematological parameters. The patient was diagnosed sonologically with a grade III fatty liver. Observation and Conclusion: The patient was given Ayurveda treatment for two months. The patient was assessed for improvement in signs and symptoms, haematological parameters, and quality of life. Present case highlights the potential of Ayurveda interventions in managing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with T2DM.
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