Vedanasthapaka Gana - A Critical Review

  • Ramya R Ph.D. Scholar, Government Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore, & Assistant Professor, Dept. of Shalya Tantra, Indian Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine and Research, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
  • Shilpa PN Professor, Dept. of PG and PhD Studies in Shalya Tantra, Government Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Pain, Vedana, Vedanasthapaka Mahakashaya Gana, Shalya Tantra


Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that can be associated with actual or potential tissue damage.[1] In Ayurveda, Pain is explained with the word Vedana. While understanding the concept of Vedana and its treatment modality in Ayurveda, we come across many formulations which can be used efficiently in its management. One such formulation is found in Charaka Samhita, where Acharya Charaka mentions Vedanasthapaka Mahakashaya Gana, which comprises 10 drugs for direct usage in the management of pain. In this paper, the drugs of Vedanasthapaka Mahakashaya have been reviewed in detail through literature and published research work to understand their action and probable mode of action.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.9.6.38
Published: 2024-08-27
How to Cite
Ramya R, & Shilpa PN. (2024). Vedanasthapaka Gana - A Critical Review. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 9(6), 241 - 249.
Review Article