Role of Pancharavinda Rasayana in enhancement of Intellectual Skills in Children - A Comprehensive Review
Optimal intelligence is a vital essentiality to deal with day-to-day challenges, especially in children who have to build up their life in an apt manner. In the competitive world certain children may experience poor intelligence and cognitive skills resulting in learning disability, scholastic backwardness etc. affecting their school completion, higher education, inter personal relationships, prospects of employment etc. According to meta-analysis study, In India 1-3% of the children are suffering with low Intellectual skills and cognitive skills requiring an early attention in this field. The concept of improving the intellectual skills, academic performance, vocabulary etc. are relatively very new to current modern system of medicine. However, Ayurveda documents the knowledge of various drugs possessing Intellectual enhancing activity under the broad spectrum of Medhya Rasayana. The present study has been taken to analyze the Medhya actions of Pancharavinda Rasayana w.s.r. to Buddhi (Discriminative skills), Medha (Intellectual skills) and Smriti (Memory) based upon Rasapanchaka and mode of action its ingredients. The whole formulation is ideal in enhancement of Medha, Buddhi and Smriti with due consideration of Rasa Panchaka and Prabhavi Karma of its ingredients.
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