A comparative clinical study to assess the effect of Amlapitta Vinashaka Yoga and Pantoprazole with Sheetali Pranayama in the management of Amlapitta
Background: In this modern era there has been an unprecedented increase of incidences related to GI system due to marked change in life style. Diet pattern, behavioral pattern & mental stress & strain, these multiple factors lead to a clinical condition known as the Amlapitta. Symptoms of Amlapitta as explained in Ayurveda are nearer clinical entity with symptoms of hyperacidity Gastro-intestinal disorder mentioned in modern science. Aim and Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of Amlapitta Vinashaka Yoga and Pantoprazole with Sheetali Pranayama. Materials and Methods: An open Randomized Comparative clinical study was conducted in 45 Patients. Patients were randomly selected in to 3 groups. Group A - 15 patients were treated with Amlapittavinashaka Yoga and Sheetali Pranayama, Group B - 15 patients were treated with Pantoprazole and Sheetali Pranayama and Group C - 15 patients were treated with Sheetali Pranayama & placebo. Results: The overall study suggestive of in group A, 7% patients showed moderate relief, 53% patients showed marked response to treatment where as 40% patients showed complete Response to the treatment. In group B 7% patients showed moderate response to treatment, 80% patients showed marked response to the treatment, where as 13% patients showed complete relief to the treatment. In group C 20% patients showed mild relief, 47% patients showed moderate response to treatment where as 33% patients showed marked response to the treatment. Conclusion: The study revealed that the study drug Amlapitta Vinashaka Yoga and regular practice of Sheetali Pranayama schedule 10 cycles at afternoon before meal is effective in treating Amlapitta (Hyperacidity).
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