Conceptualizing Hyperprolactinemia and Ayurvedic Therapeutic Approaches
Hyper prolactinemia is a condition in which a person has higher-than-normal levels of the prolactin in the blood. The prolactin is related to breast development in pregnancy and lactation. Hyperprolactinemia have serious effects on woman population. Modern medicine treatment has certain side effects therefore an Ayurvedic approach towards this problem should be identified and implemented. One common cause of hyperprolactinemia is a growth or tumour on the pituitary gland called a prolactinoma. Amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea, galactorrhea, infertility, breast tenderness, low libido, headachesand vision changes may be observed in cases with hyperprolactinemia. Dopamine agonist drugs including bromocriptine, pergolide, quinagolideand cabergoline are mostlyused for treating hyperprolactinemia. According to Ayurved this pathology involves vitiation of Majjadhatu and Shukradhatu Agni. The Granthi and Arbuda described in Ayurved may be correlated with prolactinoma. The Kapha and Vata vitiation is predominant in such cases. Shodhana (Langhana), Panchakarma like Vamana, Niruha, Anuvasana etc. can be administered as treatment. The Shamana Chikitsa with Kapha and Vata-Shamaka drugs is useful in this condition.
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