Comparative characterization study of Loha Bhasma and Triphala derived Iron Nano Particles
Character of a particle varies as size changes from macro to nano scale. Size of the particle is of great value in the field of medicine. Size has the influence on dosage, delivery and penetration of the medicine. Rasashastra is the branch which deals with the use of minerals and ores for health benefit. Bhasma is the unique preparation which is very minute in nature intended to penetrate deep into the tissues with minimal dosage. Nano medicine is the recent develop in the field of medicine where nano particles are used to reach the target cells. Nano particles are synthesised by different methods. Green synthesis is the method where herbal extracts were used to synthesize the nano particle. This method is similar to preparation of Bhasma where different herbs are used. In this study Iron nano particles were synthesized using Triphala extract and it is compared with Loha Bhasma. Bhasma Pareeksha and Characterization studies were done. This study confirms the nano nature of Bhasma and similarity in the structure between Bhasma and Nano particles.
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