Hemant Rutucharya - A Seasonal Regimen
A healthy life is a wish of everybeing since antiquiety. Ayurveda is the science of life with the aim of attaining health and curing diseases of ill. Ayurveda describes seasonal regimen for maintainance of health. In every Ritu, climate is different so the condition of Dosha is also different. So to maintain the equation of Dosha, one should follow the regimen, which are explained in Ayurveda so that one can prevent disease. Hemanta Ritu is a very pleasant Ritu, coming in Dakshinayana, moon is very powerful than sun, sweet taste are predominant in Ritu, so the strength of person enhances during the period.
Yadavjitrikamji Acharya, Sushruta Samhita. with the Nibandha Sangraha commentary of sri dalhanacharya, Varanasi, Chaukambha krishnadas academy, reprint 2004, Sutrasthana 6/1-2:23
Vaghbhata’s Astanga Hrudayam, translated by prof. k.r. srikanthamurthy, Sutrasthana, Chaukambha, krishnadas academy, Varanasi, reprint 2008, 3/1 :33
Vaghbhata’s Astanga Hrudayam, translated by prof. k.r. srikanthamurthy, Sutrasthana, Chaukambha, krishnadas academy, Varanasi, reprint 2008, 3/1 :33
Vaghbhata’s Astanga Hrudayam, translated by prof. k.r. srikanthamurthy, Sutrasthana, Chaukambha, krishnadas academy, Varanasi, reprint 2008, 3/1 :33
Vaghbhata’s Astanga Hrudayam, translated by prof. k.r. srikanthamurthy, Sutrasthana, Chaukambha, krishnadas academy, Varanasi, reprint 2008, 3/2 :33
Vaghbhata’s Astanga Hrudayam, translated by prof. k.r. srikanthamurthy, Sutrasthana, Chaukambha, krishnadas academy, Varanasi, reprint 2008, 3/4,5 :34
Charak Samhita of agnivesha with introduction by sri satyanarayanasastri with elaborated vidyotini hindi commentary by pt. kasinatha sastri, dr. gorakhanathachaturvedi, part 1, Chaukambha bharati academy, Varanasi, 6/7 :137
Charak Samhita of agnivesha with introduction by srisatyanarayanasastri with elaborated vidyotini hindi commentary by pt. kasinatha sastri, dr. gorakhanathachaturvedi, part 1, chaukambhabharati academy, Varanasi, 6/9 :139
Vaghbhata’s Astanga Hrudayam, translated by prof. k.r.srikanthamurthy, Sutrasthana, Chaukambha, krishnadas academy, Varanasi, reprint 2008, 3/5-6 :34
Charak Samhita of agnivesha with introduction by srisatyanarayanasastri with elaborated vidyotinihin commentary by pt. kasinathasastri, dr. gorakhanathachaturvedi, part 1, Chaukambha bharati academy, Varanasi, 6/8: 138
Vaghabhata’s Astanga Hrudayam, prof. K.R. srikanthmurthy, Sutrasthana, chaukambhakrishnadas academy, Varanasi, reprint 2008 3/5-6 : 34
Vaidya yadavji trikamji , SushrutaSamhita with nibandhasangraha commentary of sridalhanacharya, Varanasi, chaukambhakrishnadas academy, reprint 2004 Sutrasthana 6/22-23
Charak Samhita of agnivesha with introduction by srisatyanarayanasastri with elaborated vidyotinihin commentary by pt. kasinathasastri, dr. gorakhanathachaturvedi, part 1, chaukambhabharati academy, Varanasi, 6/10 : 139
Charak Samhita of agnivesha with introduction by srisatyanarayanasastri with elaborated vidyotinihin commentary by pt. kasinathasastri, dr. gorakhanathachaturvedi, part 1, chaukambhabharati academy, Varanasi, 6/11-13: 140
Charak Samhita of agnivesha with introduction by srisatyanarayanasastri with elaborated vidyotinihin commentary by pt. kasinathasastri, dr. gorakhanathachaturvedi, part 1, chaukambhabharati academy, Varanasi, 6/14-17 : 140
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