Anatomical view of administration route of Murdha Taila
The basic concept of Ayurveda is to maintain people's health through disease prevention and treatment. Ancient Ayurvedic scholars have given due importance to various forms and routes of administration of medicine through the nearest route as per convience to get the speedy results. Murdha Tailam in Panchakarma treatment is one of the most effective methods to deal with the different types of disease related to Urdwajatru. Murdha Tailam includes Shiro Pichu, Shiroabhyanga, Shiro Lepa and Shirovasti.. According to modern science anatomical peculiarities of scalp play a key role in facilitating the absorption of the drug administered through scalp. This route is also important as it is the nearest route for the diseases of head and neck. The different procedures adopted via scalp also help to stimulate the CNS, activate the functions of thalamus, used in trichological, dermatological disorders and diseases of head and neck, psychosomatic diseases. According to Ayurveda in poisoned conditions also scalp route is used as one of the drug adminisration route. This article deals with a review on anatomical veiw of admistration route of Murdha Taila i.e., scalp as a route of drug absorption.
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