Effect of Ushnodaka in Jwara - A Review
In medical practice, Jwara is the most frequently observed clinical condition, occurring either as a primary disease or as a secondary symptom associated with other morbidities. Acharya Charaka has described the disease in which there is rise in temperature of the body is the Jwara. Acharya Sushruta has also mentioned that the cardinal symptoms of Jwara include pain throughout the body, increased heat, and blockage of sweating. Jwara is caused due to aggravated Dosas enter the Amasaya and combine with Agni, accompanying the Rasa, blocking the channels of Rasa and Sweda. Ushnodaka refers not only to warm water but according to the classics reduction of water after boiling to one half of its quantity is called Ushnodaka. We are utilizing Ushnodaka in the treatment of fever because its Deepan Pachan and ability to remove blockage at the Srotas by it’s efficacy.
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