Management of Vishwachi w.s.r. to Cervical Spondylosis with Dashmoola Kawath and Yograja Guggulu with Anu Tailam Nasayam - A Case Study
Cervical Spondylosis may be a degenerative condition of cervical spine related to pain, stiffness, and tingling sensation radiating pain from shoulder to digits along the course of the nerve indicates nerve root Compression. It is also associated with numbness and emaciation of upper limbs and its muscles. Pain from posterior part of finger and anterior side of Prakoshtha and Kandara affect motor function. Disease spreading from posterior part of fingers and anterior part of Prakoshtha and Kandara and which affects the nerve in hand and by affecting the motor function known as Vishwachi. Vishwachi is one among the Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi. It affects the neck and upper extremities with signs and symptoms like Ruk, Stambha, Toda, Karmakshaya and Chestaharana of Bahu as explained by different Acharyas. The clinical presentation of Vishwachi is similar to that of cervical Spondolysis, which is an acute painful condition of upper arm, shoulder joint and upper chest region. A 55 years old female approached the JIAR with the chief complaints of: Severe pain in right upper arm, shoulder joint, and neck region along with difficulty in movement of right hand. All the above complaints were since 6 months. The patients were completely on Ayurvedic medicine for 45 days and the results were remarkably seen. The medication given were Yograja Guggulu (1 TDS) and Dashmoola Kawath (20ml BID) along with Anu Tailam Nasya. Hence this study was taken to prove that Ayurvedic management has remarkable result in Viswachi (Cervical Spondylosis). Observation and results were drawn on the basis of assessment criteria. Discussion was done on the basis of entire observation during the research. Conclusion was drawn on the basis of research.
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