Clinical efficacy of Shatapushpa Taila Matra Basti in Artava Kshaya with Low AMH - Case Study

  • Archana Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Prasuti Tantra and Stree Roga, N.K. Jabshetty Ayurvedic Medical College and P.G. Research Centre, Bidar, Karnataka, India.
  • Sheela Mallikarjun Professor, Dept. of Prasuti Tantra and Stree Roga, N.K. Jabshetty Ayurvedic Medical College and P.G. Research Centre, Bidar, Karnataka, India.
  • Sonalika Hiremath Assistant Professor, Dept. of Prasuti Tantra and Stree Roga, N.K. Jabshetty Ayurvedic Medical College and P.G. Research Centre, Bidar, Karnataka, India.
  • Sridevi Swamy HOD and Professor, Dept. of Prasuti Tantra and Stree Roga, N.K. Jabshetty Ayurvedic Medical College and P.G. Research Centre, Bidar, Karnataka, India.
  • Ishwari Patil Associate Professor, Dept. of Prasuti Tantra and Stree Roga, N.K. Jabshetty Ayurvedic Medical College and P.G. Research Centre, Bidar, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Artava Kshaya, Shatapushapa Taila, Matra Basti


Ayurveda is a branch of Medicine, which has been serving for humanity since ancient time by both preventive and curative aspects. In today’s fast and competitive world, many gynecological cases are rapidly increasing because of sedentary life style, faulty food habits etc. In gynecological disorder, Artava Kshaya is a common menstrual disorder. According to different studies 13.5% and 12.95% of woman are suffering from Oligomenorrhea and Hypomenorrhea respectively. In modern science on basis of signs and symptoms of Artava Kshaya can be compared to oligomenorrhea and hypomenorrhea. According to Acharya Kasyapa in Kalpasthana, Shatapushpa is just like nector to the women who suffer from menstrual problems like amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, menometrorrhagia, infertility etc. Shatapushpa can be used in the form of Churna, Kwatha and Taila. Shatapushpa Taila should be used in form of Nasya, Pana, Abhyanga and Basti according to Kasyapa and Charaka. Hence in this study Shatapushpa Taila was selected for Matra Basti in Artava Kshaya as it is having the Agneya property and Aritava Janana.


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Shastri Kaviraj Ambikadutta; Edited Sushrutaa samhita Sutra sthana 15/12, Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit sansthan; Reprint 2007, pp 59.

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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.9.6.56
Published: 2024-08-27
How to Cite
Archana, Sheela Mallikarjun, Sonalika Hiremath, Sridevi Swamy, & Ishwari Patil. (2024). Clinical efficacy of Shatapushpa Taila Matra Basti in Artava Kshaya with Low AMH - Case Study . Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 9(6), 339 - 343.
Case Report