Ayurvedic management of Garbhasravi Vandhyatwa w.s.r. to Recurrent Pregnancy Loss - A Case Study
Pregnancy is the start of an incredible journey that leads to great emotional fulfillment to women. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL) is defined as two or more failed clinical pregnancies confirmed by sonography or histopathology before 20 weeks. It is relatively common event occurring in 15-25% of pregnancies and increasing in prevalence with maternal age which in turn leads to infertility. The common causes of the first trimester abortion are genetic factors, immune and endocrine factors, infection and unexplained ones in the majority of the cases. In Ayurveda, based on clinical features Recurrent Pregnancy Loss can be correlated with Garbhasravi Vandhya mentioned in Harita Samhita and Putraghni Yonivyapath explained in Brihatrayees. Ayurveda describes many oral formulations along with Shodhana Chikitsa followed by Sthanika Chikitsas like Yoni Pichu, Yoni Poorana, Uttara Basti etc. giving effective sequel in Garbhasravi Vandhyatwa. Here, a mid aged 26 years old patient presenting with recurrent pregnancy loss was given with few oral medications and Shodhana Chikitsa i.e., Virechana Karma and Yoga Basti followed by Uttara Basti for her healthy uneventful pregnancy.
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