Pharmaceutical and Analytical Evaluation of Suta Bhasma Yoga w.s.r. to its Antiepileptic Activity

  • Vishalaxi F. Ganiger Post Graduate Scholar, Department of PG Studies in Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubli, Karnataka, India.
  • B.B. Joshi Professor and HOD, Department of PG Studies in Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubli, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Apasmar, Convulsions, Kupipakwa Rasayana, MES method, Suta Bhasma Yoga


Introduction: Rasayogas are frequently divided on the basis of Samskaras given to them has led to the evolution of Kharaleeya, Parpati, Pottali and Kupipakwa Rasayana Yogas. Sutabhasmayoga is a unique herbomineral compound indicated in Apasmar. Age matched young albino rats weighing about 200-250 g were employed in the present study. Rats were fed on standard diet and water. The experimental protocol used in the present study was approved by the Institutional Animal Ethical Committee. They were acclimatized in institutional animal house and were exposed to normal cycles of day and night. The Anti-Epileptic activity is evaluated in convulsions induced by MES Method protocol. Aims & Objectives: Pharmaceutical and Analytical Evaluation of Suta Bhasma Yoga w.s.r. to its Antiepileptic Activity. Materials and Methods: Preparation of Sutabhasma Yoga was done as per classics. Parada Shodhana was done acc to Rasa Tarangini,Gandhaka Shodhana was done acc to Rasatarangini. Then preparation of Suta Bhasma Yoga was done as per the reference in Rasendra Sara Sangraha. Prepared Suta Bhasma Yoga was subjected to various Analytical tests. Its Anti-Epileptic evaluation was done by the convulsions induced by MES method in albino rats. Results: Suta Bhasma Yoga has pH 8, Total ash 0.79%, Acid soluble ash 0.00%, Loss on drying less than 1% and SEM EDX. In Experimental Study Trial group shown highly significant Anti-epileptic activity against Control and Standard group result with p < 0.05. Conclusion: Suta Bhasma Yoga can be prepared easily. Its composition and properties make it potent Anti-Epileptic drug.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.9.7.12
Published: 2024-09-29
How to Cite
Vishalaxi F. Ganiger, & B.B. Joshi. (2024). Pharmaceutical and Analytical Evaluation of Suta Bhasma Yoga w.s.r. to its Antiepileptic Activity. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 9(7), 93 - 99.
Original Article