Understanding the concept of Sandhigata Vata through Samprapti and Shatkriya Kala
The illness known as Sandhigata Vata is prevalent in both industrialised and developing nations. Rarely, the illness results in fatality as well as mild, moderate, or severe morbidity. Problems are becoming more common place these days as a result of dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as social and cultural shifts and travel. Sandhigata Vata is detailed in all Samhitas, according to Ayurveda. Sandhigata Vata is the ailment that Acharya Charak described separately. A major phenomenon in the Samprapti of Sandhigata Vata is the problem of Sandhis, as described by Prakupita Vata. The most prevalent type of joint problem in older and obese people is Sandhigata Vata. It is a primary contributor to morbidity and disability. This condition develops slowly and can lead to deformities and loss of function in joints, particularly weight bearing joints like the knee joint.
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