Role of Sarjarasa Malahara in the management of Padadari (Cracked Feet): Case Study
Introduction: Ayurveda (Science of life) considers lifestyle and cosmetic aspects. Feet are the most often neglected and affected part of the body which forms most important part of the body Padadari (Crack heels) is condition which occurs due to excessive walking, wearing improper footwear/barefoot walkers and dirt, is characterized with appearance of dryness of feet, cracks, flaring patches, itchy skin, pain in palms and soles. Its prevalence is experienced everywhere and common in rural, cannot be considered as minor and neglected. It is considered under Kshudra Roga (minor ailments). Can be compared with Cracked heels/Heel fissures. Methods: in present study patients of Padadari (Crack heel) were treated with topical application of Sarjarasa Malahara (Sarjarasa Ointment). Results: Pharmacodynamics of ingredients were effective in management of Crack Fissures. Discussion: Sarjarasa Malahara (Ointment) was used as remedy for Padadari. Response to treatment was recorded on assessment parameters at respective intervals and therapeutic effect was evaluated through symptomatic relief. Conclusion: Improvement was observed in parameters on completion of treatment.
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Waddar SB, Waddar SB, Chalageri CC. A Clinical Study to Evaluate Effect of Sarjarasa Malahara Lepa (Sarjarasa Ointment) in the Management of Padadari (Crack Heel). International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga. 2024 Jun 30;7(6):14–9
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