Ayurvedic management of Dengue Fever - A Case Study
Dengue fever is the fastest spreading vector-borne virus disease, transmitted through the bite of female mosquitos of the Aedes aegypti species. Dengue fever has surged in recent decades, with estimates putting 40-50% of the world's population at risk for the disease[1] In Ayurveda, dengue fever can be correlated with Vishamjwara. Various formulations have been mentioned in Jwara Prakaran. A case study of dengue fever was done which was successfully managed with Ayurvedic medications. So, it can conclude that dengue fever can be managed without any side effect in Ayurveda. In this study 20 years old male patient with complaints of fever with chills, headache, body ache and itching over body was present. Blood investigations revealed dengue positive along with decreased platelets count. It was managed with Ayurvedic medications for 7 days and also developed good immunity against the disease. The subject was treated on the base of Vishamjwara with various formulations given in Jwara Prakaran. Lab tests were also done on time to monitor the changes. Symptomatology and haematological profile both significantly improved.
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