Efficacy of Herbal Madayantikyadi Cap in the management of Kshudraroga Kadara (Corn) - A Case Series
Efficacy of Herbal Madayantikyadi Cap in the management of Kshudraroga Kadara (Corn)-a case series
Kadara is an Ayurvedic term for a skin condition that is similar to a corn in modern medicine. Patients in the current case series were chosen for local application of Madayantikyadi Cap on alternate days for eight days after visiting the OPD of Shalyatantra of Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital and Research Centre Salod(H), Wardha for the treatment of Kadara. Local Madayantikyadi Cap application, two follow-ups were conducted at intervals of 15 and 21 days. Complete scraping occurred, pain and sensitivity decreased, and no recurrence was seen till the follow-up period. Methodology: Five patients of Kadara (Foot corn) disorders to get Madayantikyadi Cap local application and kept overnight for alternate day for 8 days. Result: The outcomes of using Madayantoikyadi cap locally were quite favorable. Significant reductions were made in pain and difficulty during walking, tenderness and size of lesion. In terms of overall results, foot corns patients were entirely cured. Conclusion: Madayantoikyadi cap locally is beneficial in reducing pain and difficulty during walking, tenderness, and size of lesion, according to several treatments, assessments, and discoveries. As a result, it is possible to conclude that local application has therapeutic value in the treatment of foot corn. It Concluded application of Local Madayantikyadi cap formulation as an Anubhoot Yoga more effective on Kadara (foot corn).
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