A classical review on Avabahuka (Frozen Shoulder)
Avabahuka is one among the Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhis which affects the normal functioning of upper limbs there by affects the normal routine lifestyle of an individual. It is caused mainly by the Vyana Vata vitiation and gets Sthana Samshraya in the Amsa Pradesha. There it does the Shoshana of Shleshaka Kapha, Mamsa, Sira, Snayu leading to Bahupraspanditaharatwam, Shoola and Stambha. These clinical features closely resemble with painful stiffness and loss of motion of shoulder. After completion of treatment, significant improvement was observed in the parameters like Bahu Shoola, Stambha and Range of Movements. In Ayurveda Acharya’s have mentioned the specific line of treatment of Avabahuka are Agnikarma, Nasya, Swedana, Shamanoushadhis.
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Sharma S., Bhagat PJ, Reddy RG. Management of Avabahuka (Frozen Shoulder) with Ayurveda Therapeutic Regimen: A Case Study. J Res Ayurvedic Sci 2020;4(4):158-163
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