Understanding the Relationship between Satva and Shareera w.s.r. to Personality Traits
Satva, Atma, Shareera are the three components. By the conjunction of these, existence of the living world is sustained. Understanding the relationship between these three components can help individual achieve a balanced and healthy life. Satva is one among the three innate qualities of the mind which governs psychosomatic manifestations and represents purity, virtue and enlightenment, while Rajas and Tamas denote passion /activity and inertia /ignorance respectively. Shareera on the other hand is a manifestation of Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). The relationship between Satva and Shareera is complex mechanism influencing each other in profound ways. Our thoughts and emotions generated by Satva can have direct impact and physical being. The body is influenced by the qualities of mind, and the mind is also shaped by the qualities of physical body. Personality traits are commonly defined as relatively stable pattern of thoughts, feelings and actions in which individual is different from the others. It is often seen as reflection of interplay between Satva and Shareera. Our innate characteristics are shaped by combination of genetic, environmental and personal experiences. These traits influence how we perceive ourselves and others as well as how we interact with world around us.
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