A clinical experience in the management of Eka Kushta - A Case Study
Kushta is the broad spectrum word used in Ayurveda to describe all the skin diseases under one heading, which is mainly classified into Mahakushta and Kshudra Kushta. Ekakushta is one among the Kshudra Kushta. It is of prime importance due to its chronicity and severity which involves larger extent of the body. In contemporary science, Ekakushta can be compared to Plaque Psoariasis, In the present case study, we have reported 39 years old male patient came with the complaints of severe dryness of the skin along with white scaly powdery discharged skin lesions all over the body associated with severe itching. The treatment protocol adopted here are Antah Parimarjana Chikitsa (Shodhana) and Bahir Parimarjana Chikitsa (Sarvanga Pariseka and Jaloukavacharana) and Shamanoushadhis. After treatment, patient got satisfactory results and complaints are reduced by 60-70%.
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