Management of Myasthenia Gravis through Herbomineral Drug - A Case Study
Ayurveda is an oldest traditional medicine system that believes on natural and holistic approach of treatment for various diseases. It is the science of healthy life. Myasthenia gravis is a chronic autoimmune neuromuscular disease that causes weakness in the skeletal muscles, which are responsible for breathing and moving parts of the body including the arms and legs. Myasthenia gravis affects approximately 2 out of every 100000 people and can occur at any age of 18 and 25 years. In Ayurveda, the symptoms of myasthenia gravis closely resemble with Vata Vyadhi. As per Ayurvedic perspective, dysregulation of the immune function occurs on account of either Ojovyapat or Ojovisramsa the dearrangement or displacement of Ojas resulting from inherent disposition, nutritional inadequacy, digestive or eliminative, vitiation of the Doshas by tissues destructions and metabolic disruption, unresolved psychological trauma or protected somatic stress, or environment or Karmic factors may lead to develop myasthenia gravis. Ojas disorders still they have no satisfactory management. Myasthenia gravis is mainly due to Srotorodha and Agnidusti. Agnidusti leads to formation of Samavastha in the body which provide hinderance in the functioning of body. A case study of Myasthenia gravis was studied and managed accordingly symptomatic improvement was noted after 21 days of treatment.
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