An Ayurveda approach for managing Geriatric Sleep Disturbances: A Comprehensive Review
Background: Ageing is defined as the progressive deterioration in structure and function of the body organs. In Ayurveda literature ageing (Jara) has been given importance since Vedic period as the natural, progressive phenomenon. In Ayurveda, Sleep (Nidra) is one of the Upasthambha (Sub-Pillar) which is essential for overall health. Ageing causes multiple changes in sleep patterns, and various diseases can further disrupt sleep. Ayurveda describes the physiological increase of Vata Dosha in old age which causes Vata Prakopa in body leading to degeneration of Dhatu (Dhatukshaya) which alter the sleep patterns. Aim: The paper aims to review common sleep disturbances seen in ageing and their prevention and management through Ayurveda. The study discusses various patterns of sleep during ageing and their possible management through Ayurveda. Primary sleep disorders common in the geriatric population such as; insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder was discussed and their management through Ayurveda was reviewed. The selection of Ayurvedic treatment and procedures which nourishes Dhatu and pacify Vata Dosha are effective in managing sleep disturbances. Result: The study finds that Vatashamak Chikitsa, regulation of Agni, Dincharya, Ritucharya, Vegdharan, use of Rasayana, Panchakarma, Yogasana are beneficial for the management of sleep disturbances. Conclusion: Sleep disturbances are common in ageing and can be managed efficiently through Ayurveda.
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