A comparative clinical study of Swarnamakshika Bhasma and Dhatri Lauha in the management of Pandu w.s.r. to Iron Deficiency Anaemia
Anaemia, a silent condition without symptoms, can lead to chronic health issues such as impaired fatal development, delayed cognitive development, increased risk of infection in young children, and reduced physical capacity. Women of childbearing age need to absorb 2-3 times the amount of iron required by men or older women. In Ayurveda, Pandu is a specific disease with its own pathogenesis and treatment. In India, Anemia affects 50% of the population, with 20 - 40% of maternal deaths due to anemia. Allopathic treatment for mild to moderate anemia involves supplementation of ferrous sulfate, fumarate, or gluconate. Ayurveda can provide better management in this area. The objective of the study is to know the efficacy of Swarnamakshika Bhasma and Dhatriloha in Pandu. 40 patients of Pandu (iron deficiency anemia) were taken who fulfilled the inclusion criteria and divided into two groups randomly. Group A - 20 patients of Pandu (IDA) were given Swarnamakshika Bhasma. Group B - 20 patients of Pandu (IDA) were given Dhatri Loha for 45 days. Both the groups are having similar effect on reducing the symptoms statistically. Among the subjective and objective parameters, the B group showed better results than Group A.
Sharangdhar samhita of pandita Sarangdharcharyaan noted with ‘Dipika’ hindi commentary by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi published by chaukhambha subharati prakashan, Varanasi 2019 editon, madhyam khand, 7-chapter rog gadna shlok 19, pg no.64.
Astanghrdayam composed by Vagbhata with the commentaries (Srimadvagbhata) of Nirmala edited by Dr. bhrahmanand Tripathi published by chaukhambha orientalia Varanasi ninth edition pandu rog shof visharp nidan addhyay 13th page no 518.
Kayachikitsa edited by Vaidya Yashvant govind Joshi published by vaidyamitra prakashan,2002 edition Pandu Rog chapter 6 pg no 189
Charaksamhita ‘Vaidyamanorama’ hindi commentary edited by Dr Vidyadhar shukla Uttarardha published by Chaukhambha Sanskrit Publication, Varanasi 2010 edition, pandu chikitsa chapter 16th, page no 395.
Yogratnakara with ‘Vaidyaprabha’ hindi commentary by Indradev Tripathi and Dr Daya Shankar Tripathi published by Krishnadas Academy, 2013 edition, pandu nidanam, page no 264.
National Family Health Survey (NFHS-III), 2005-2006, http://www.nfhsindia.org/pdf/ India.pdf.
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