Management of Kashtartava (Dysmenorrhea) with Vishwadi Kwatha: An Open Labelled Single -Arm Clinical Trial
Introduction: Kashtartava (Dysmenorrhea) is a commonly reported menstrual disorder which affects the working ability and quality of life of the woman. Due to in discreet diet and lifestyle, young women are more liable to get afflicted with this disorder in present era. This trial was planned to evaluate the effect of Vishwadi Kwatha which is an unexplored formulation in the management of dysmenorrhoea. Materials and Methods: 18 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected from the OPD of Prasutitantra & Streeroga, of the institution (3 drop outs). Oral administration of Vishwadi Kwatha in a dose of 40ml, twice a day, before meals was given for 1 month. The effect of therapy was assessed by change in the scores of assessment criteria including Visual Analogue Scale. Follow up was done for 1 month. Result: Statistically highly significant (p<0.001) results were obtained in both the duration (75.60 %) and severity (73.68% relief) of menstrual pain and also in associated symptoms like Aruchi(93.75% relief), and Bala-Bhramsha (91.17% relief).The mean VAS score of 7.467±1.407 before treatment was reduced to 2.333±0.9 after treatment. Discussion: Vishwadi Kwatha was mentioned in Shoola Prakarana of Bhaishajyaratnavali as Sadya Shoolahara. The formulation is having Vatanulomana, Dipana-Pachana, Artavajanana, Kaphahara, and Shrotoshodhana properties which will help the easy expulsion of properly formed Artava through the unobstructed channels by correcting the Vimarga Gati of Vayu. Conclusion: Oral administration of Vishwadi Kwatha was found to be effective in the management of Kashtartava and recommended for further research.
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