A randomized controlled clinical study on the efficacy of Chinnadi Kashaya in Amlapitta (Chronic Gastritis)
Nearly 25–30% of Indians suffer from Amlapitta or chronic gastritis. In this open-label, randomised clinical study, the effectiveness of Patoladi Kwatha and Chinnadi Kashayam in treating Amlapitta (chronic gastritis) was studied. Heartburn, nausea, and indigestion are some of the symptoms of Amlapitta, a disorder associated with the vitiation of Pitta dosha brought on by unhealthy eating and lifestyle choices. Two groups of forty Amlapitta patients were formed: For 30 days, Group B received Patoladi Kwatha, while Group A received Chinnadi Kashaya. When compared to Patoladi Kwatha, observations revealed that Chinnadi Kashaya had considerably reduced symptoms such as bloating, acid reflux, and indigestion. On the other hand, Patoladi Kwatha was far more effective in lowering appetite loss and fatigue. With each formulation providing distinctive benefits, these results offer credence to the therapeutic implementation of Ayurvedic medicines in the management of disorders like gastritis. The study demonstrates the therapeutic potential of both Ayurvedic formulations in treating digestive diseases, primarily Amlapitta, and indicates that Chinnadi Kashaya may provide superior overall comfort. Both formulations exhibited no adverse reactions. The long-term consequences and possible combinations of these medicines need to be investigated further.
Bikash Raj Ghimire, Samichha Neupane, Sanjay Pokharel, Shwetha Kumari Pokharel, Amrita Ghimire, Management of Amlapitta (Gastritis) in Ayurveda: A Review, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation.2021; vol 2; issue 1: Page no 278-280. Available on: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/349003536_Management_of_Amlapitta_gastritis_in_Ayurveda_A_review
Acharya Vagbhata, Astanga Sangraha, Sutrasthana, by Dr.Shivaprasad Sharma, 3rd edition, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office - Varanasi, Sutra Sthana, 20th Chapter, Shloka no.16, Page No.113.
Padhye, H.K. (ed)Srimad-Vrnda-pranito Vrndamadhava paranama Siddhayogah., revised by Shrikanda Dutta with commentary of Kusumavallyakya Tikka, edited by Krishna Sastri and Hanamantha Sastri, 1894; Anandasrama samskrta granthavalih. Pune; Pp-388-392.
Yogaratnakara-Haridas Ayurveda series, 2010, editor and translator Kumari Asha and Premavati Tewari, Varanasi; Choukamba Vishvabharati; Pp-947, p-943.

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