In Vitro Comparative Analysis of Paranti (Ixora coccinea Linn) Roots and Leaves against Bacteria causing Diarrhea
Paranti (Ixora coccinea Linn) is used in several regions of India, especially in rural communities, by traditional medicine practitioners to treat diarrhoea. However, no scientific data is available to justify the traditional potentials of the plant species in gastrointestinal disorders. This study evaluates the In vitro antibacterial activities on diarrhoea causing organisms. In vitro antidiarrheal activity of the decoction of leaves and roots of Paranti (Ixora coccinea Linn), was evaluated against Salmonella para typhi A, and Shigella flexneri by Agar Dilution Method and Time Kill Assay. The Agar Dilution Method showed no antibacterial activity of Paranti (Ixora coccinea Linn) root and leaf decoction against Shigella flexneri and Salmonella para typhi A at volumes ranging from 0.5 ml to 5 ml. In the Time Kill Assay, both root and leaf decoction exhibited moderate antibacterial activity against both bacteria at all time points, except for a lack of activity at 8 hours for the leaves against Salmonella para typhi A. These results suggest high antibacterial effectiveness, particularly in a time-dependent context, against bacteria causing diarrhoea. Thus In vitro antibacterial activities which support its use in traditional herbal medicine practice.
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Aarthy Tikka, Vijayalaxmi P B. Comprehensive Pharmacognostic and Analytical Evaluation of Paranti (Ixora coccinea Linn.) Leaves and Roots.

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