Clinical management of Psoriasis (Eka Kushtha) through Ayurvedic interventions: A case study highlighting the efficacy of Shila Sindura and Integrative Therapies
Background: Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune condition, manifests as erythemato-squamous lesions with significant physical and psychological distress. In Ayurveda, psoriasis can be correlated with Eka Kushtha, primarily caused by vitiated Vata and Kapha Doshas. This case study evaluates the efficacy of an Ayurvedic intervention comprising Shila Sindura, Bakuchi Rasayana, and adjunct therapies in the management of Eka Kushtha (psoriasis). Case Presentation: A 20-year-old male presented with an 8-year history of extensive red and white scaly plaques affecting his feet, knees, hands, elbows, and upper back. Symptoms included severe itching, burning sensations, and joint stiffness. Despite prior treatments, recurrence persisted. Clinical assessment using the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) revealed a baseline score of 26.4. Treatment Protocol: The patient underwent a one-month Ayurvedic regimen consisting of Shila Sindura (250 mg BD), Bakuchi Rasayana (750 mg BD), and Avipattikara Churna (3 g BD). External applications included Gandhaka Malahara and Jatyadi Taila. Dietary modifications and lifestyle adjustments were emphasized to complement treatment. Out Comes: Follow-up assessments demonstrated significant clinical improvement, with the PASI score decreasing from 26.4 to 1.0 after two months. Marked reductions in erythema, scaling, and plaque thickness were observed across all body regions. Hematological and biochemical parameters remained stable, with minor fluctuations in renal and hepatic markers, warranting continued monitoring. Conclusion: This case study highlights the potential of Ayurvedic management for psoriasis, emphasizing systemic detoxification, dosha balancing, and localized care. Future controlled clinical trials are recommended to validate these findings and further explore the mechanisms of action.
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