A critical analysis of Vishad Guna; Exploring its properties and uses in Ayurveda
All substances in the universe originate and develop with the inherent qualities of Satva, Raja, and Tama. This creation holds a significant position for its qualities. In material science, the characteristics of matter are influenced by its properties. These attributes differ from those of Sattvaadi. Understanding properties is crucial alongside understanding substances because all the qualities (Gurvadi Guna) attributed to substances are present in our bodies. When the body experiences decay for any reason, it can be restored to a balanced state by utilizing substances that possess similar properties. Conversely, when there is an excess of a certain property, substances with opposite properties are employed. Hence, qualities are also referred to as physical or medical qualities. Without an understanding of these properties, it is impossible to restore the body's metals to a state of equilibrium. Thus, understanding the properties existing in matter becomes imperative after exploring the matter. When a substance is combined or altered, it carries out diverse functions. Matter serves as a medium (Kaaran Dravya) for carrying out various actions.
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