An Ayurvedic Approach in Improving the Quality of Life in Atypical Parkinsonism - A Case Report
Atypical parkinsonism is another form of parkinsonism, which is having a more widespread pathology than seen in Parkinson’s disease. A group of neurodegenerative conditions including Multiple system atrophy (MSA), Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), and Corticobasal syndrome (CBS) constitute this form of parkinsonism. Due to the widespread pathology including degeneration of striatum, globus pallidus, cerebellum, and brainstem, as well as the SNc, the clinical features tend to resemble to that of Parkinson’s disease, but different manifestations are seen. Early involvement of speech and gait, absence of rest tremor, lack of motor asymmetry are the clinical presentations seen in patients with atypical parkinsonism. Additionally, poor or no response to levodopa, and a more aggressive clinical course also differs it from Parkinson’s disease. Initially, the diagnosis is difficult, but as the disease progress, a clear diagnosis can be obtained. A 64-year-old male patient was admitted to Kayachikitsa IPD complaining of difficulty in walking, slowness of activities, whole body numbness, tremor of hands and chronic constipation. On examination, extrapyramidal signs were positive, sensory system was not much affected, hyperreflexia and decreased muscle bulk was noted. Unified MSA rating scale was used to assess the change in quality of life before and after treatment. Vatavyadhi and Gulma Chikitsa was adopted. Procedures such as Churnapinda Sweda, Sirodhara, Vasti, Nasya were done. Walking and tremor of hands improved significantly. Mild decrease in whole body numbness, overall increase in body strength were obtained.
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