Evaluation of Bilva Taila prepared on the principle of Snehapaka through Quality Control Metrics
The globalization of Ayurveda has led to an increased focus on the standardization and quality control of traditional formulations like Sneha Kalpana. It involves the process of infusing fats with herbal properties to enhance their therapeutic effects. Certain principles were given by Acharya Sharangdhara for the preparation of Sneha Kalpana. Bilva Taila was taken as an example of Sneha Kalpana and two samples were prepared according to the Snehapaka principles by two different references. This study aims to evaluate Snehapaka principle through the quality control metrics of Bilva Taila. The organoleptic characters, physico-chemical parameters, phyto-chemical screening, Marmelosin quantification through HPTLC analysis and heavy metal analysis of raw material i.e. Apakva Shushka Bilva Phala (Unripe Bael fruit powder), Tila Taila (Sesame oil) and finished products (Both the samples of Bilva Taila) were done. The results showed that the pH value for all three samples of Taila was similar, while all other physico-chemical parameters varied between samples. Phyto-chemical screening revealed the presence of various functional group in different samples. Marmelosin quantification also vary in different samples. Heavy metal analysis confirmed that all samples met the permissible limits for lead, arsenic and mercury, indicates the quality and safety for therapeutic use. The study concludes that there is difference found in preliminary analysis, Phyto-chemical screening and marmelosin quantification of both the samples of Bilva Taila prepared on the principle of Snehapaka.
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