Efficacy of Kustumburadi Lepa in Mukhadushika (Acne Vulgaris): A Case Study

  • Deepam Badonya Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Samhita Siddhant, Govt. Auto Ayurveda College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India.
  • Pravanjan Acharya Professor & HOD, Dept. of Samhita Siddhant, Govt. Auto Ayurveda College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India.
  • S.N. Tiwari Associate Professor, Dept. of Samhita Siddhant, Govt. Auto Ayurveda College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India.
  • Pulsi Pande Assistant Professor, Dept. of Samhita Siddhant, Govt. Auto Ayurveda College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Keywords: Mukhadushika, Acne Vulgaris, Kustumburadi Lepa, Ayurvedic Treatment, Skin Disorders, Case Report


Background: Mukhadushika, commonly known as Acne Vulgaris, is a skin condition that significantly affects individuals during adolescence and early adulthood. This clinical study evaluates the effect of Kustumburadi Lepa in the management of Mukhadushika, focusing on various symptoms such as pain (Ruja), hardness (Ghana), burning sensation (Daha), itching (Kandu), and the overall lesion count.[1] Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of Kustumburadi Lepa in reducing the clinical symptoms of Mukhadushika. Methods: A single subject, a 21-year-old female student, was treated with Kustumburadi Lepa for 21 days. Clinical evaluations were conducted before and after treatment for symptom improvement. Results: Significant improvement was observed in the reduction of symptoms such as pain, hardness, and burning sensation. The patient showed a decrease in the overall grade of acne lesions from grade 3 to grade 1, along with complete resolution of associated symptoms. Conclusion: Kustumburadi Lepa proves to be an effective treatment for Mukhadushika, offering substantial relief from clinical symptoms with minimal side effects.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.9.11.52
Published: 2025-02-04
How to Cite
Badonya, D., Pravanjan Acharya, S.N. Tiwari, & Pulsi Pande. (2025). Efficacy of Kustumburadi Lepa in Mukhadushika (Acne Vulgaris): A Case Study. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 9(11), 350 - 353. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.9.11.52
Case Report