A review article on the Ayurvedic aspects of Manyastambha
In today’s era, because of the stressful and fast lifestyle people are suffering from various degenerative diseases. Manyastambha is one of the lifestyle disorders which have a very high prevalence at present. Manyastambha is the clinical entity in which the back of the neck becomes stiff or rigid, painful, Stambh in the cervical region, and neck movement are hampered. Manyastambha has been enumerated in eighty Vataja Nanatmja Vyadhis as well as Urdhwajatrugata Vikaras. It can be clinically co-related with cervical Spondylosis in modern medicine. Cervical Spondylosis is a degenerative condition of the cervical spine. Ruk and Stambha are the primary symptoms. It may cause pressure on nerve roots with subsequent sensory or motor disturbances if severe. The prevalence of cervical spondylosis is rising due to the increase in a busy, professional, and social life, poor sitting posture in offices, continuous work, working long hours on computers, night jobs, watching hours of television, sleeping on abnormally soft mattresses and pillows, and placing the bare minimum importance on healthy physical, mental, and dietary habits.
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