A randomized controlled clinical study of Marichadi Kwatha in the management of Janusandhigata Vata
Background: Sandhigata Vata is a type of Vatavyadhi where the vitiated vata dosha specifically affects the joints with symptoms of Sandhishoola, Atopa Shopha, and Prasarana Aakunchana Vedana. Osteoarthritis mainly targets the knee joint, hip joint and certain small joints. OA is an important cause of disability and the second most common musculoskeletal problem in the world (30%) after back pain (50%). Hence Marichadi Kwatha and Rasnapanchaka Kwatha taken for present clinical study and results compared for checking the efficacy in Janusandhigata Vata. Methodology: 60 patients fulfilling the diagnostic and inclusion criteria were selected for a single blind randomized controlled clinical study. They were randomly allocated into 2 equal groups Group A and Group B. Group A subjects received Marichadi Kwatha in a dosage of 25ml Kwatha with 3ml Koshna Tila Taila twice daily after food for 30 days. Group B subjects received Rasnapanchaka Kwatha 25ml Kwatha with 3ml Koshna Tila Taila twice daily after food with for 30 days. Assessment was done on 0th day, 16th day, 31st day and 46th day. Results: Both groups showed significant improvements in all parameters based on clinical evaluation. However, within each group, analysis showed significant changes in most parameters with the exception of Atopa. When comparing both groups, there were no significant differences found. Conclusion: Both Marichadi Kwatha and Rasnapanchaka Kwatha showed significant effect in all parameters except in Atopa. On statistical comparison between the two groups there were no significant difference in the effect of both Marichadi Kwatha and Rasnapanchaka Kwatha.
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