Role of Leech therapy in the management of Vyanga w.s.r. to Melasma - A Single Case Study
Vyanga is categorized under Kshudra Rogas and primarily occurs due to the vitiation of Vata, Pitta, and Rakta. It can be correlated with Melasma in terms of its signs and symptoms. A key feature of Vyanga is the presence of Niruja, Tanu, and Shyava Varnayukta Mandala (a type of pigmentation) on the facial area (Mukhapradesha). Melasma is an asymptomatic, acquired, and chronic condition characterized by hyperpigmented macules or patches that develop slowly and symmetrically on areas like the molar region, bridge of the nose, forehead, temples, and upper lips. These patches are typically dark, irregular, sometimes small, and well-demarcated. Brhajaka Pitta, which is responsible for skin coloration, is closely related to the complexion of the skin. Vitiated Pitta Dosha plays an important role in the development of Melasma. The management of this condition should focus on pacifying the aggravated Doshas and promoting Raktashodhana (blood purification or detoxification). Leech Therapy (Jalaukavacharana) is considered a key treatment modality, as it aids in blood purification, removes toxins, and eliminates the vitiated Doshas accumulated in the body. This case study presents a single patient suffering from Melasma, who was selected for the study at Shekhawati Ayurved Medical College & Hospital, Pilani. The efficacy of Leech Therapy was found to be significant, yielding positive results.
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